Grocery Shopping Strategy

A weekly food shop can feel like a daunting chore but re-framing it as an opportunity to reset and invest in your self-care practices can transform your outlook and approach. Here are my tips and formulas to making this task more efficient and uplifting.

  • Start by taking inventory

    Take inventory of the foods you already have in your fridge, then freezer, then pantry. Make a list of what you need to replenish and think about what meals you can create around your existing ingredients. This helps to avoid food waste and maximize your budget.

  • Consider your go-to’s

    What are some of the recurring meals you consistently gravitate towards? This can be a favorite snack or just an easy, quick and reliable recipe you’ve mastered. Taking a moment to think of what meals you want to eat for the week is a game-changer and will help avoid having multiple visits to the market each week - the recommended goal is one time per week, allowing you to be more intentional with your picks.

  • Pick a wildcard dish
    To keep things exciting, pick one new recipe to try out. This helps to build your overall cooking skills, especially for beginners. It is fun to try new things and experiment with new ingredients. Ask friends what their go-to recipes are, get some inspo from that abandoned cookbook you have or when in doubt, peruse Pinterest!

  • Shop seasonally
    The benefits of opting for seasonal produce are many. This is not only a great way to maximize the flavor and nutritional value of your food but also a great way to switch up your staple dishes to avoid boredom of eating the same foods. Get excited and inspired by whats in season. Read more about eating seasonally here.

  • Keep it simple and know your why

    No, you’re probably not going to live up to your husband’s grandma’s cooking or master your mom’s perfect comfort dish but this is your food story. Committing to home-cooked meals can feel overwhelming but be patient with yourself and try to stay conscious of why this is important to you.


Grapefruit & Fennel Salad


Ingredient Highlight: Jicama