Active Dates to Deepen Your Bond
Whether you have a new fling or want to find new ways to reconnect to your long term partner, finding active ways of spending time together outside of the bedroom can help you get closer and maintain a powerful bond. Research shows that people tend to open up more when in motion. It is also proven that couples who workout together tend to have a stronger and more satisfying relationship in the long term than those who don’t.
An active date is a great way to let lose and get to know your partner a little better. Are they playing nice? Taking the lead? Getting frustrated easily? Encouraging you? All information you wouldn’t necessary exchange over drinks and a romantic dinner (though we love those kinds of dates too).
Using and observing body language can convey more about each other’s feelings and intentions than words alone, and some friendly competition can promote growth, camaraderie and confidence in each other and the relationship.
Try these four active date ideas:
Keep it simple with a long walk, hike or bike ride.
Try a new, challenging activity for the first time together, like a Jiu Jitsu class or scuba diving
Challenge them to a game of tennis or racquetball
Guide your partner through your typical gym sesh