Writing Therapy
As a kid, you may have been encouraged to start a diary - somewhere you can unload your thoughts without a witness to respond.
It doesn’t need to sound smart, have a profound meaning or offer any solutions, but putting pen to paper, or taking a digital approach to writing, is an often neglected form of therapy as an adult.
Writing is a powerful tool for personal expression and reflection, and there are no rules to what you need to write. No one to grade the paper, no one to judge but yourself, and no narrative to follow.
So I invite you to explore a writing practice for the next three days and explore what naturally comes up. If you find yourself getting stuck or unsure about where to start, here are some prompts:
If I knew I couldn’t fail, I would …
Looking back, a transformative stage of my life was …
This is the story of the rest of my life …
Tap into all five senses in this moment. Describe what each is experiencing.
Write a story about your alter ego.